Deal Representation

Buyers, Sellers and/or Investors alike are involved in daily decision making that requires thoughtful analysis to determine whether to buy (acquire), sell (dispose), lease, sublease or perform a sale leaseback on a particular property. There’s a time, place, and season to do each.

Oftentimes, stakeholders require further assistance in performing “gap analysis” to determine if there’s a market for a particular business, well before the go/no-go decision to invest capital or develop on a subject parcel is undertaken. The attorneys at Refuge Law can assist you in making those very same decisions.

  • Representation for lenders, buyers, and sellers in all real estate transactions

  • Provide guidance in all commercial asset classes:

    • Multifamily
    • Industrial
    • Retail
    • Office
    • Specialty (Self-Storage, Medical, etc.)

Underwrite transactions for deal decision making